WheN I'm ALOnE‚ I need cOmpany and sOmeOne tO suppOrt mE...nO One cOmes tO Help me Except ALLAH..!!!
When I'M pretend tO be strOng infrOn of the wOrld‚ nObOdy sees my Tears Except ALLAH !
When I'm Sad I want A shOulder to Cry On‚nObOdy suppOrt me But ALLAH !
PleasinG A Human Is most Dificult..PleasinG ALLAH iz The mOst Easiest..
PeOple sOmetimes Punish mE fOr D Mistake I have'nt dOne..ALLAH IgnOre And Excuses D One That I Did..
That ALLAH !
D Greatest‚ D Almighty..
D mOst Beneficent...
D mOst Merciful and All Praise BelOng tO ALLAH...