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Assalaamu 'Alaikumwa Rahmatullahi waBarakaatuhu,COULD YOUFORWARD AN EMAILTO SAVE YOURRELIGION?<Image.1221567147796.gif>Please send thismessage to everyMuslim you know...ASAP!If you don't...A Muslimsomewhere in theworld could bereceiving falseinformation aboutIslam. So preventthat fromhappening.!PLEASE!Beware of thefollowing websites:www.answering-islam.orgwww.aboutislam.comwww.thequran.comwww.allahassurance.comThese sites havebeen developed byJews .Who Intentionallyare spreadingwrong informationabout the QURAN ,the HADITH andISLAM itself.?Please spread thisinformationTo all the Muslimbrothers and sistersaround the world.The list of tracedanti- Islamicwebsites, aboutIslam are:1. http://www.islamreview.comThis site has postedfake stories of howMuslims converted toChristianity. How do Iknow? Read thefollowing excerpt fromone of the stories:First the 'convert' says:(emphasis added)In the end, I managedto convince my mother,as it was for Allah and Ijoined the IslamicCollege. Havinggraduated as an ustaz,I was soon posted tomy neighbourhood?And then:My trip to Mecca forthe Haj (pilgrimage) wastiring but eventful. I didnot have the rareopportunity to seeinside the holy Kabahand the holy idolsinside, which ProphetMuhammud had helpedto place, as explained inBukhari's HadithAn Ustaz (scholar) inIslaamic Studies issaying that there areidols inside the Kabahand that too placed byMuhammad (saw)himself!?!?!This clearly shows thatthe author isdeliberately trying tospread misinformationabout Islaam and wantsto convey to possiblereverts to Islaam thatit is religion of idolworship.In fact most of theChristian sites use thistactic of false convertstories but it's notalways possible toprove it2.http://www.faithfreedom.org/AlhamduliLlaah I wasable to catch anothersite posting fakestories of Muslimsleaving Islaam. See thefalse informationimparted here. That theattempt is deliberate isknown through theclaim that the 'convert'has done detailed studyabout the topic.For Islamic Education, Ihad to study aboutmarriage in detail to dowell. So

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