My Profile


Last login: 15 years ago
Skinner since: 16 years ago
Country/Area: davao, philippines
Gender: Female
Age: 41

Anonymous Identity

More About Me

Relation: In a Relationship
Occupation: secretary, receptionist
Companies: shadid engineering consultant
Schools: STI
I Like: me
I Hate: my x and my enemies
Favorite Music: Sm♥♥th, R, amp, B, R, amp, B, Hip, H♥p, Trance, Techn♥, Sm♥♥th, Jazz, Reggae, Ac♥ustics, Alternative, P♥p, S♥ft, R♥ck, C♥ntemp♥rary, G♥spel, Mell♥w, freestyle, SiDE, A, S♥UTHB♥RDER, MYMP, regine, nina, gary, v, ♥PM, HiTS, pussycat, d♥lls, shakira, ciara, rihanna, cassie, jess
Favorite Movies: blue crush, glitters and save the last dance
Favorite Books: i, l♥ve, y♥u, p♥cket, b♥♥k, magazine, and, bible
Favorite Celebrities: me
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About Me

=♥♥= =♥♥= =♥♥= =♥♥=

Just because I am quiet d♥esn’t mean I have n♥thing t♥ say.

I judge pe♥ple t♥ easily by my first impressi♥n.

Id rather f♥rever f♥r the perfect guy. Than settle f♥r any ♥le' person.

Im unpredictable and sp♥ntane♥us. I try t♥ be f♥rgiving.
I enj♥ying being unique.

Im ambiti♥us and determined,
but I can get lazy and unm♥tivated at times.

Id rather l♥♥k immature and have fun that care what ♥ther pe♥ple think.

S♥metimes im really c♥nfident and ♥ther times I feel really insecure.

I m creative and imaginative.
Im curi♥us ab♥ut everything.

Friends means everything t♥ me, but s♥metimes I just want t♥ be al♥ne.
I envy pe♥ple wh♥ can fit in s♥ easily with♥ut even trying.

I try t♥ be sypathetic and supp♥rtive,even if s♥metimes I fake it t♥ make y♥u feel g♥♥d.
Im a ♥pini♥nated and stubb♥rn, but im l♥yal. Sincere and caring.

Y♥u can trust me with y♥ur secrets unless it's s♥mething that I kn♥w will hurt y♥u.
I always try t♥ see the best in y♥u, even if y♥u ann♥y me.

I hate it when pe♥ple make me feel guilty t♥ get their way.
I'll always be here t♥ listen t♥ y♥ur pr♥blem.
I'll stick up f♥r y♥u n♥ matter what happens.


I've made mistakes in my life..
I've let pe♥ple take advantage ♥f me and I accepted way less that I deserved..

But, I've learned fr♥m my bad ch♥ices and
even th♥ugh there are s♥mething
I can never get back and pe♥ple wh♥ will never be s♥rry..

I'll kn♥w better next time and w♥nt settle f♥r anything less than that I deserved.

=♥♥= =♥♥= =♥♥= =♥♥=

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